You have 85 percent of the vote. If you’re a mature adult, you’ve probably had oral sex.
We’ve put together a step-by-step guide to make sure you’re doing it right from the beginning to the end.
What to do
There is no better way to make an impression than with a little old-fashioned skulduggery.
Kiss and caress some of their other erogenous zones, such as their ears and neck, to get them ready.
Assume your position
There’s no need to get into any complex sex positions as long as you and your partner are having a good time. Your lips can hover above their heads while they stand or sit as you kneel in front of them.
If your position allows for eye contact, you’ll get an extra point. Make eye contact, and you’ll instantly feel more at ease with the person you’re with.
Undress if you want to
Clothing isn’t necessary unless you’re in an area where it’s illegal to be naked. Ultimately, your level of comfort is the deciding factor.
You can either remove it while keeping the rest of their clothing intact, or you can pull their underwear down so much that you can access all of their private parts.
If you and your partner enjoy the sensation of skin-to-skin contact, then opt for the full Monty.
How to move your tongue
In this environment, anything goes. Make sure to use your entire tongue when moving up and down the shaft.
In order to focus on the most sensitive places, the tip of your tongue is ideal. Using the tip of the tool, you can flick the frenulum, then swirl it around the head before putting them into your mouth.
How to move your mouth when it’s full
Focus on savoring the taste rather than hurrying through it, and you’ll be more likely to enjoy the experience.
Take it easy at first then gradually pick up the speed. Keep going if they seem to be coming close to the climax.
What gives you the confidence to make such a statement? Their nonverbal cues!
Pay attention to what your hips are doing as you descend. You can tell whether someone is having a good time by the way they move, hold their head still, or even tremble.
How to keep your teeth out of the way
Your teeth shouldn’t be an issue until you’re trying to bite down. Some people, especially those with braces, may be concerned about the possibility of unintended dental contact.
Concentrate on making contact with your lips and/or tongue as you breathe in and out. They won’t stand out at all.
How to use your voice to make the job next-level hot
Make a splash! Talking with your mouth full may be considered impolite, but the sounds you make while doing so convey to the listener that you are thoroughly enjoying their company, which is a huge turn on.
Nom, nom, noms aren’t essential because there isn’t even a speck of gelato in sight. Moaning, slurping, and even heavy breathing are all signs that you’re having a good time. And they’ll love the sound of your mouth vibrating.
How to take your B-job to rim job territory
Why not take your low-paying career to the next level by becoming a rim job? Because your mouth is already in the area, rimming would be an easy step. Before you try it, make sure they’re okay with it.
How to use your hands
Oral is a great place to show some affection. For example, you can use your hand to manipulate depth and give more attention to different portions of their body.
Stroke the shaft with your hand and brush the frenulum with your thumb when you get to the top. It’s fine to keep doing this while licking and sucking on your food.
Make use of those multitasking talents by massaging their buttocks with your other hand.
How to incorporate penetration
If they’re okay with you putting a finger in their butt, go for it. Use plenty of lubricant.
Start by gently pressing your index and middle fingers into their perineum, and then push an uber-lubricated finger inside their anus.
The next step of rimming is to stick your tongue into their anus and push it in and out a couple of times.
How to add sex toys to the mix
When it comes to introducing toys, go slow and use lots of lubricant.
The tip of a butt plug can be used to gently tickle the opening before carefully entering the plug. Double your pleasure by keeping the butt plug within while you lick and rub them.
When to stop — or how to keep things going
Do not stop unless your jaw is extremely sore and cramped, or unless instructed to do so. Ultimately, it’s your decision. If you’re at a loss for words, consider these suggestions.
If they want you to keep going
It’s likely that whatever you’re doing is working, so don’t stop doing it.
Moans and eye contact can help you get there faster by increasing your speed and enhancing your passion.
If they’re ready to come
Even if you let them complete in your mouth, you won’t feel any pressure to swallow.
Continue sucking and allow the semen to enter your lips through a little lip split. This is the perfect time to take a swallow. To avoid the embarrassment, you can either let the liquid drip down your cheeks or discreetly spit it into a cup or cloth.
If you’re not a fan of tapioca’s texture, you may always give them a helping hand right before they reach their peak. Do not rub your face or any other part of your body with them.
If you want to stop
It’s up to you if you want to stop.
Remember that you don’t have to give up sexy time just because the BJ section of the program is finished.
Let the foreplay begin as you work your way up their body with a series of passionate kisses. Proceed in any direction from there. For penetration, either climb on or turn over, or assist them down so they can speak back.
Things to remember
The human body is unique. The penis in porn is often huge, smooth as an eggplant, and lauded for taste “oh so nice” as it is handled by an equally beautiful tongue. Forget what you’ve seen in porn!
Everyone has an individual smell and taste
Everyone’s unique smell can be affected by everything from what they eat to the soap they use. You can’t expect to remove a penis from a pair of jeans without a trace of odor or sweat.
In most cases, a fast shower is all that is needed to keep the lower half of your body clean. It’s perfectly OK if there’s a lingering odor.
The taste of a person’s fluids can be affected by a variety of things, just like their natural odor. Drinking more water, cutting back on red meat, and cutting back on smoking are all ways to improve one’s taste.
Penises and pubic hairs come in many colors, shapes, and sizes
Penises exist in a wide variety of shapes, sizes, colors, and shapes.
Either you’re circumcised or you’re not. One is a long one and the other is short. It’s possible to find them in a variety of colors and textures, from dark to light. Everything is fine.
Moreover, not all pubes are neat and clean. It’s quite OK for some folks to have an untidy bush.
Oral sex still has risks
Sexually transmitted diseases (STIs) of the oral cavity are present. STIs can be spread through direct skin-to-skin contact or direct contact with bodily secretions.
Also, don’t be fooled by a product that appears to be healthy. Not all sexually transmitted infections (STIs) generate symptoms. Try using flavored condoms to reduce your risk and enjoy a sweet treat.
24 tips for giving amazing head
The term “blow job” is not one that I particularly enjoy using. It’s ridiculous and a bit of a prank. To me, the phrase “giving head” conveys a more sinister and mature connotation. In a Leonard Cohen song, “Chelsea Hotel No. 2,” the word “gift” is used as a descriptor of what you’re doing. Your mouth, breath, and voice are all intimate parts of your body that you are giving up.
It is an honor to serve under an experienced head queen. These are people that really and unashamedly enjoy sucking their dicks to the bone. The rest of us must learn, and the only way to do so is to put our skills to the test. And don’t forget to practice. Practice, too.
Come to your knees! A lesson is in order. It doesn’t matter what gender you are; these are 24 suggestions for giving a great head.
1. Don’t rush. Take your time.
Don’t just dive right in. Slow down a bit. It’s time to sketch it out. Preface what’s about to happen. Don’t feel like you have to adhere to a predetermined, cliched script for a body-on-body encounter, which may include a make-out session, a blowjob, a rimjob, and an orgasm-inducing penetrative sex conclusion.
Yawn. It’s possible to get enthusiastic and comfortable even before the garments come off. To be kissed or touched makes me happy. For some people, this is the most intimate element of the experience of sexual intimacy. These early touches, these initial wayward hands, help to establish a sense of anticipation and trust in the game.
Men all across the world have concerns about the size of their penises, in part because we live in a culture that has a penchant for larger penises than the average man has. In addition, most men over a certain age find it difficult to maintain a high level of intensity, and many of us take a long time to get there.
From personal experience, I can tell you that it’s quite impossible to relax and enjoy yourself when you’re constantly thinking about your dick. I’ve found that the more time I spend on the preamble, the less pressure I feel to perform in the actual presentation.. If I don’t feel like someone is tapping their foot, waiting for it to happen, I’m not able to get really hard.
Slow down and enjoy the situation as it unfolds, rather than trying to force it to happen in a certain way.
2. Foreplay is really, really awesome. Enjoy it — and stop thinking of it as “foreplay.”
Maximize foreplay, I tell everyone. ‘Foreplay,’ on the other hand, is used to describe behaviors that are intended to stimulate and titillate both parties before engaging in any form of penetrative intercourse. Some sex activities, such as blowjobs, are typically seen as “lesser” sexual experiences than those that involve penetration.
Penetrative sex is not possible for everyone. Some people are unable to due to a variety of health issues. Penetration may never be a pleasure for some people. And there are instances when “foreplay” is just plain fun.
Think of “warmup sex” in a different way. Make the most of it. One definition of sex is too simplistic. Sex is everything that is sexually stimulating, sensual, and sensual.
Start by putting your hands on him and stroking his hair. To begin with, I enjoy massaging his shoulders and legs, and then easing him into my body and helping him relax. Again, don’t slam the door shut too quickly.
3. Get into blowjob headspace ahead of time.
As the saying goes, those who have a goal in mind and are actively working toward it make the best leaders. In foreplay, there is no “What do you want to do?” dispute – you’re there to poop. You’re in the right frame of mind to give the order. You’ve already put yourself in a meditative state of mind. I know you’ve been squinting at his biceps. It’s yours.
In order to get the most out of a blowjob, I need to be in the right frame of mind. I must be having a nice time in order for him to have a good time as well.
I have to mentally prepare myself for the fact that I will fail. So that I don’t quickly cough it up, I want my mouth to be clean and digested from my last meal. If I press forward with a mission, I’ll close my eyes and relish the experience once I’ve arrived and can totally submit to his cock.
4. Start with your clothes on.
Take your time when removing your clothes; it’s one of the most sensual phases of sex. Please refrain from touching him in any of his private places. As soon as you hear that audible gasp, which signifies “Oh my God, you finally went there,” you’ve done a good job.
Gently but firmly massage his dick through his jeans, being sure to avoid causing any discomfort. Distract him by removing his genitals in public. To avoid accidently popping him in the balls, make sure he’s not wearing an elastic waistline. Pop him again if he’s into it (unless he’s into ball torture in which case, go for it). Take a look at his penis before you leap into the water. It’s yours to kiss. Consider it.
5. Flick the frenulum.
A time-honored trick. Frenulum is the penis head’s underside, which many men consider the most sensitive region of the penis.
I usually begin by kissing the top of the penis, or the head, then work my way down to the bottom of the penis with my tongue tip. Before licking the rest of the shaft, I’ll travel up and down the shaft with a succession of light, gentle kisses. This allows me time to gain a sense of its size, texture, and fragrance, which is the most exciting part for me. As soon as you’re ready, gently brush your tongue across the frenulum. As you slowly raise your lips to his, then retract them, flick it back and forth. When he feels the warmth of your breath on his neck, he’ll beg you to take it out of your mouth.
6. Pay attention to how his dick behaves.
Fisting, anal sex, BDSM, and very amazing make-out sessions are all enhanced when you’ve entered the post-language space of sex, which is also the case with giving head. Animal sounds, such as grunts and roars, take over the conversation.
Reduce your verbal output. Do what he says he enjoys, not what you think he wants you to do. There is no need to inquire for a status update. Asking him to tell you when he’s close will give him the impression that you’re just waiting for him to finish and cause him to experience stage fright (every man gets it). To be safe, listen for only breathing and moaning as signs that he’s enjoying himself. That’s the perfect situation to find yourself in at this point.
If you ask his dick, he’ll tell you exactly what makes him happy. It’s happy if it jerks and twitches. If it’s dripping with lubricant, it’s ecstatic. Don’t keep track of how much time is left. Don’t worry about the clock; just enjoy yourself.
It’s important to remember that while you’re kissing or making out, you’re both simply instructing each other without using words. For oral sex, this is also true. The only time he’ll talk is when he’s trying to be dominant – number 23.
7. Remember: Blowjobs are for your pleasure above all else.
Even submissive sex, in which someone takes control, is for your enjoyment. In order to have satisfying sex, you need do what makes you happy, and for some people, it means letting go of control.
As a result, don’t think of sucking on a dick as something you’re doing just for him. To perceive it that way, it won’t be fun for either of you; you won’t either.
Here’s your chance to get up close and personal with his genitals. You can’t feel every part of his penis while it’s in your butt since your ass doesn’t have the same nerves as your mouth. Every vein, texture, and pulsation are palpable in your mouth. Allow yourself to be fully immersed in the moment, and only stay as long as you want to. As much as it’s about him, a fantastic blowjob is all about you.
8. Use spit in excess.
You’ll notice that your mouth is getting drier. That’s just the way it is. It’s possible that a kind person will give his saliva to your spit supply, either by spitting in your mouth or spitting on his dick — but these actions are not guaranteed.
Because of this, you cannot linger on his dick for long periods of time. Take breaks frequently. Change positions, rub it on your face, kiss or suck his balls (which is one of my favorite things to do), or let him do it all. A few minutes of this will allow you to rehydrate and take a few deep breaths before you begin again.
9. Don’t expect something in return. That’s not the point.
When you have oral sex, it’s not about making him feel good. The goal isn’t to get anything more delightful at the end of it. Oral sex is often viewed in this sense — as a quick, predetermined act that yields the same result, generally some sort of penetration — by many individuals. In order to get to the “main event,” this way of thinking will have you rushing through everything. If that’s the case for you (and it’s absolutely great if you don’t enjoy oral sex at all), then don’t bother and put your energy into something else.
10. Use your tongue.
Once you’ve had his dick in your mouth, you might not be able to lick it as well as you’d like. Your ability to maneuver your tongue around his dick will be limited by the size of both his dick and your mouth.
This isn’t a problem; your tongue is still important. This includes the area of skin between the testicles, which is called the “taint,” or the area of skin between the testicles and the upper lip of the rectum.
11. Use your breath.
Suck in some air. Using this technique causes your cheeks to press against your teeth, resulting in a vacuum suction that is both relaxing and invigorating. The lubrication that makes this all possible gets sucked in when you do this, so don’t do it all the time.
You can’t hold your breath for a continual inhalation, so you can’t do it. That’s not conceivable, and it wouldn’t be enjoyable at all. Breathe while he’s in your mouth and gradually get used to it. If you need to take a break and just breathe while you get used to it, go ahead and do it. It will be uncomfortable for both of you to watch you struggle to get used to it. Don’t worry; he’ll love the natural sensation of your breath.
12. It’s OK if you have a gag reflex — most people do.
Most individuals have a gag reflex, and it’s fine if you don’t, but some people don’t have one at all.
Most of us have a gag response that causes us to shut our throats when we begin to swallow. We choke on this. Breathe in and out slowly with his dick in your mouth. Try to maintain a regular breathing pattern as it passes through your mouth and into your throat. You’ll be able to tell when you’re starting to get achy.
13. Don’t be afraid to push your limit.
It’s a lot of fun to see how far you can go with your cocksucking abilities.
In my opinion, it is really sexy to choke on someone else, and I’m sure he will as well. But be careful not to overdo it or you could injure your body. Sliding a cock past the larynx and down into the throat, often known as deep-throating, should not be viewed as the pinnacle of oral sex or something you should strive for. Deep-throating is not for everyone, and vice versa. Don’t inflict too much damage on the tissues in that area.
14. Avoid commercially advertised oral sex sprays.
Oral sex throat sprays, which are essentially chloraseptic spray, are something I normally discourage people from using. As the skin at the back of the throat is temporarily numbed with topical anesthetics, deep-throating is possible.
Although numbing the skin will conceal discomfort, it is not something you should avoid at all costs. Injuries and skin injuries are frequently indicated by the presence of pain. The same reason I discourage individuals from using desensitizing anal lubrication is because you don’t want to push yourself beyond your body’s natural boundaries. As a result, several people have been injured.
15. You can — and should — use your hands.
Despite popular belief, there is no such thing as a hands-free blowjob. Not so fast. First and foremost, there is no “perfect” manner to give the helm. As a second point, many men have a difficult time keeping erect without using their hands to touch their penises and stimulate the flow of blood. Alternatively, you can offer your services as a volunteer – and this is the time to put your hands to good use.
While licking and sucking the tip of his dick, I stroked the base of his dick. Try doing a hand job on his dick for a while. Playing with balls is one of my favorite pastimes. It’s possible that, if this guy is really adventurous, he’ll be up for some deliberate ball play. A man’s testicles can be soothed by gently tugging, pulling, clutching, sucking, and light finger flicking — but always err on the side of extreme gentleness when it comes to these actions.
16. Don’t focus entirely on the blow job.
Whenever I think, “OK, I’m going to perform a good blowjob,” it doesn’t happen. I’m going to be anxious about how well I do and what I can do. When my ideas start getting in the way, I’ll give up.
Instead, I concentrate on how good this tastes in my tongue and how pleasurable it is for me. Better sex will result if I let go and simply explore his body and tongue. Each step will be outlined for me. In the future, I may decide to quit sucking and instead concentrate on his balls for a while, but for the time being, I’m going to go with trusting my own sensations. Rather of focusing on the precise sex act, the focus is on your own pleasure.
17. Be cautious with your teeth.
Keep your teeth out of it while you’re first starting off. The worst blowjob of my life left me with purple teeth marks in my dick the next morning.
Sometimes your teeth will come into touch with his anatomy and cause him pain if you’re overzealous or aggressive. The penis’ skin is quite thin and delicate, making it exceedingly vulnerable to touch. Teeth, for example, are easily injured by hard objects.
Teeth can be tricky, especially if he is large in stature. To avoid teeth-to-skin contact, you can either wrap your lips around your teeth, or stay towards the tip around the head, where it is easier to avoid teeth-to-skin contact, and allow your hand to take over at the base of the bite.
18. The easiest positions are usually best.
Sorry to the remaining 69 admirers. Get down to business. Sixty-nining (when you and your partner are sucking each other) may appear seductive in porn, but it is incredibly tough and painful to perform in real life. Every time I attempt sixty-nine, I find it difficult to stay focused and immediately give up. Moreover, if there is any height difference between you and your companion, it will not be possible to play a game like this.
Even getting down on your knees can be difficult at times. When in doubt, put him on the bed, with his head and shoulders supported by a cushion, and step in. Play with his dick as you lie on the bed between his legs, holding it in your palm.
19. There’s no rule saying you have to swallow.
Getting a blowjob isn’t all about sex. Many people can’t orgasm from a blowjob, and I’m one of them. Don’t swallow it if you don’t want him to get in your mouth. The only thing you have to do is what you want to do, and you will not fail if you do not. When it comes to getting a blowjob, it’s not about making someone feel uncomfortable—about it’s creating a sense of pleasure for everyone involved. That’s all there is to it.
20. There is a time limit.
When you’ve reached your breaking point, you’ll know it. Again, most guys can’t be hard forever, and you can’t be a scumbag for eternity. Make sure you take frequent breaks, and when you’re done, let it be done. Even if it’s just for a few minutes, there is no defeat in having fun with each other.
21. Never shame someone for their inability to stay hard.
This is a problem that so many men face. We don’t talk much about it, but it’s an inevitable aspect of growing older. As a result of pornography and unrealistic body standards, men believe that their worth, sexiness, and dignity may be measured by their ability to maintain an erection (they exist for men as well as for women).
Men have body issues and body insecurities, but we live in a cruel culture that restricts our ability to openly discuss them. Our penises and sexual performance play a large role in this.
A erection isn’t all there is to sex; it’s just the beginning. There are strong, intimate experiences that don’t necessitate orgasms. Don’t make someone feel bad for not being able to keep their focus. That’s just the way things go. With all of your human characteristics, men, you are sexy and attractive.
22. If you like something, let him know.
I prefer not to use words. Sex and desire are communicated through moans, groans, grunts, and gasps. You can let him know you’re enjoying his dick by making sounds of delight.
23. Once you have some practice under your belt, try surrendering control.
Because the one being sucked possesses the power, in a power exchange, The submissive role is played by the one who gives the order. At other times it’s just as satisfying for both of you for him to take over and control the stroke by moving his head while you’re masturbating with him, utilizing your mouth as a human masturbation sleeve. Everything a good submissive craves: hot, intense, demeaning, and all of the above.
24. Try some role reversal!
I’m sorry, I’m a natural sub. I like to focus on cock sucking as an act of submission. The edging, milking, and cum control kinks can be utilized by domineering men as well.
Even when you’re confined, having someone pleasure your dick orally is tremendous. Suck like you’re in command and pretend you’re someone else.
“Edging” refers to the widespread fetish of sexually tying someone up and eliciting pleasure from his dick, while delaying orgasm for hours at a time, to the point that the withholding (“cum control”) becomes a sort of pleasure torture.
Milking is the process of stroking the prostate, which is positioned a few inches within the anus, until a man blows a load in order to make him orgasm via prostate stimulation. If you’re looking for the strongest orgasm possible, you’ll find a loyal following of men who seek for prostrate toys in the form of prostrate massagers. A successful milking session necessitates a lot of sucking. If you’re in charge, don’t let him go easy on you.
19 Intense Blow Job Techniques To Make Him Scream With Pleasure
If you want your boyfriend to become absolutely addicted to you, you need to know the greatest blowjob techniques to induce orgasmic ecstasy.
In this chapter of the Blow Job Guide, I’ll teach you 55 of my most effective blowjob techniques.
Please have a look at the results of my extensive oral sex assessment to see just how proficient you are at satisfying your partner’s sexual needs or desires. You might learn something about yourself that you didn’t know before, or you might find out that you’re already an expert at giving blow jobs. For a quick and accurate assessment of your “Blow Job Skills,” go here right now to take my “Blow Job Skills” quiz…
In the Blow Job Guide, you can return to Chapter 1 here or Chapter 2 here after you’ve completed reading this chapter. In order to make your man’s eyes roll back into his head and his toes curl with pleasure, let’s learn a few blowjob techniques now
Lick, Lick, Lick It
Using the method of licking his penis as a starting point for a blowjob is really effective. As a form of oral sex foreplay, it will heighten his sexual desire to be taken in your mouth, which is just what you want.
It’s a piece of cake to lick his crotch. To lick his penis, all you need to do is grasp it in your hands and lick it with your tongue. From the base to the tip, you’ll find that licking him works really nicely. As far as licking techniques go, there are many more to choose from, such as:
Focus on the Tip –
In one study, the bottom of your man’s glans is the most sensitive portion of his penis, but if he has been circumcised, it will be a little less sensitive. [1] The frenulum is a highly sensitive area on the head’s underside where it attaches to the shaft. Studies show that the glans has no single area that has a higher sensitivity than the others [3].
Focus on applying the least amount of pressure possible to the glans (the tip of his penis). Many men claim this to be their preferred method of blow-drying. Until he arrives, you can keep repeating this for the duration of your blowout. There will be more focus on the tip of his penis being massaged with an oral pleasure.
Related: Your private and secret newsletter is where you’ll get back-arching, toe-curling orgasms that keep your partner sexually obsessed. You’ll also learn how to avoid the five sex blunders that turn him off and how to prevent doing them in the future.
The Topside of your Tongue – Due to the rough surface your taste buds create, the upper side of your tongue is slightly more stimulating than the underside. When you’re licking him, use the top side of your tongue, not the bottom.
His Balls – Remember his genitalia as well. A man’s penis is extremely sensitive; for some men, it’s even more so. In order to get the most pleasure out of his balls, you can just lick them, but I’ve included a variety of alternative methods in this article.
Anilingus – These two additional spots can greatly enhance your pleasure and make him think of you as an oral sex queen, even though they aren’t precisely part of your BJ.
He has a lot of nerve endings in his perineum or perineal raphe (aka his taint), the rough patch of skin lying right behind his balls. You can stimulate his penis through his perineum because the root of his penis resides beneath this skin, behind the perineum. When it comes to men’s private parts, there are those who love it and those who don’t enjoy it. It’s a matter of taste, and your boyfriend will have an opinion on the matter.
These areas can be stimulated by tonguing up and down, or in a circular motion, in a method that works best for you. Using a different, yet nevertheless wonderful sensation, you can even press your tongue into his anus. Anilingus is the name given to this procedure.
Taint-To-Tip – For sensitive perineums (taint) or balls, licking slowly from the perineum all the way to the penis is an excellent approach. The best way to do this is to perform it in one steady, continuous lick.
You’ll also discover that pressing his penis on his belly with your palm or just a finger is the easiest way to do it.
When licking his dick during a blowjob, it is important to bear in mind:
Wetter Is Better
Ask any male, and he’ll tell you that the best blowjobs are the ones that are as wet as possible. Most people can’t generate large amounts of saliva when asked, but that’s the ideal situation.
Two tricks to producing more saliva are:
- I was chewing gum just as I was about to slam into him.
- Before you start blowing him up, eat some luscious fruit (like a strawberry or pineapple or peach).
Of course, these two tricks aren’t always practical.
Using edible lubricant is a far more convenient and reliable method of making your blowjobs super-wet. Keep a few in your purse or in a drawer next to your bed.
You’ll also have lubrication on hand in case you need it for sex.
Deep Throating Solution –Deep throating your boyfriend is an easy technique to produce a lot of saliva in a short period of time. What makes it work?
Your gag reflex will be triggered when his penis contacts the back of your throat. This has the effect of causing your salivary glands to work overtime. As a result, if you and your partner prefer a wet, sloppy blowjob, this is the ideal method.
Just The Tip
The underside of your man’s penis, particularly the glans (the tip of his penis), is extremely sensitive, as I indicated previously. In women, the clitoris is the penis’ female counterpart. The tip of his penis is a great place to focus your attention to get him over the edge in the most enjoyable way imaginable.
The tip of his penis can be enjoyed in a variety of ways using a variety of approaches.
Kissing – Starting your blowjob with a kiss on the tip of his penis is a great way to extend the length of it… Perfect if you enjoy watching and listening to your partner in agonizing pain. If you remember how you regularly kiss him (on the lips), it’s simple to kiss his penis and balls.
- Give him little “pecks” with your lips pursed together.
- Gently pinch his penis tip between your lips by opening them slightly.
- Gently rub your lips over his penis with a bit of saliva on them.
- Gently suck on his penis with your lips.
The Twister – The Twister is a particularly delightful and rewarding blow job method you may execute with your tongue and a lot of saliva. Slowly move your tongue around the head of his penis while holding it steady with one or both hands. While varying the direction and speed will give him some diversity, this joyful bj method is all he needs to reach a thunderous apex.
Deep Throat – A more sophisticated blowjob method, deep throating your man, can satiate and sexually fulfill your man when done correctly. It’s all thanks to the lining of your throat. Your tonsils and the back of your throat will finally come into contact with the tip of his penis as you swallow him.
The Tip Of The Tip – Some men’s urethral apertures are more sensitive than others. His cum flows out of a little slit at the apex of his penis. When you give him a blow job, see how he reacts to you softly licking it. You may put him down as one of those guys who likes it. Otherwise, try a different tactic until you get it.
Slip Inside – Using the inside of your mouth is a less sophisticated fellatio method that is nearly as efficient as deep throating him in terms of delivering him with extreme pleasure and arousal. You can add another blow job tool to your inventory by putting him in your mouth and massaging the tip of his penis against the inside of your cheek and tongue.
Use The Roof – Another way to get his attention is to use the roof of your mouth, which is similar to the prior method. Giving him a blow job may seem counterproductive, but you’d be mistaken.
His glans move against your mouth as you angle his penis such the top of his glans touches the ridges. Avoid this if you can’t shift your angle or he gets scraped by your teeth because of the size of his penis and your mouth.
Fingers & Hands – Not all blow job techniques involve the use of fingers and hands. It’s a terrific technique to relieve stress and relax your jaw and mouth by utilizing a tongue depressor. Gently slide your fingers over and back the top of his penis while he wildly groans in pleasure, with plenty of saliva or lubricant. The in-depth Hand Job Guide can teach you more handjob strategies to deliver to your man.
The Up & Down
Most males have fantasies about having a blowjob, but if you’re not feeling confident the first few times you do it, my advice is to stick to the easy-to-perform techniques like the Up & Down [8].
It’s a good idea to master this technique first before moving on to more advanced methods of providing your partner with oral gratification, such as sucking him (tips on sucking him off like a pornstar here).
For the Up & Down, all you have to do is put your mouth around your man’s penis and make a “O” shape. Because of the “O” form, you can exert pressure on his entire penis.
Taking his penis in and out of your mouth will be as simple as bobbling your head up and down. If you’re just focusing on the top inch or two of his penis, bouncing your head up and down is a breeze. Once you’ve mastered this technique, work your way further and deeper into his penis with each stroke.
It’s possible that taking him more and further into your mouth will set off your gag reaction [9]. You don’t have to be concerned about this. In most cases, males aren’t bothered if you gag a little.
The point where his head meets the shaft of his penis has a ridge. Whenever this ridge is aroused, your man is extremely sensitive to the sensation. When you form the “O” shape, try to focus on it with your lips.
Because you’re only getting the first 1-2 inches of his penis into your mouth, it’s less likely that you’ll gag. Pause, take a deep breath, and relax your throat if you start to gag.
2 Tongue Tricks
The next two blow job techniques I’d like to share with you both include the use of your tongue. One is simple, while the other is a little more difficult but is sure to please your boyfriend to no end.
1. Soft Sandpaper – Don’t be fooled by the name. Your man will not experience this as sandpaper; rather, he will experience a wonderful sensation. Using your tastebuds to “clean” your man’s penis in the same way you would with sandpaper is why I’m calling this “Soft Sandpaper.” After that, they’re not so similar.
As a first step, grip the penis of your man firmly in your palm while wetting your tongue and sticking it out.
Move his penis’s head across your tongue with your hand while keeping your head and tongue still. Your hand should simply move his penis across your tongue, therefore there should be no other movement. You shouldn’t be moving your tongue at all when you speak.
His penis’ head will travel over your tongue this way.
If you like to move it in a circular motion, you can do so in any direction you like.
Your tongue is effectively “polishing” his penis’s head in this manner.
2. Sliding Shaft – As deep as your mouth will allow, place his penis in your mouth and hold it there. It doesn’t matter if it’s 2, 4, or 6 inches deep. The most important thing is that you’re able to hold it there easily and comfortably.
Your tongue should be on the underside of his penis, so slide it forward as far as you can comfortably go and then slide it backwards. Move it back and forth, stroking the same area of his shaft each time.
Keep an eye on his penis while you’re doing this. Keep it where it is; don’t go any deeper or any shallower.
While sliding shaft isn’t going to make your man burst, it’s an excellent little trick if you’d like to change up your blowjob routine and give him some new sensations.
BJ Techniques When He’s Uncut
When your boyfriend gets circumcised or “cut,” most of the blowjob techniques outlined above will be most effective. If your man is uncircumcised or “uncut,” some of the tips can be applied without any modifications, but others require tweaks, and certain BJ techniques won’t work at all.
However, do not be alarmed! Uncircumcised men are the only ones who can benefit from some particular treatments. It’s the prepuce, or excess foreskin, that makes the distinction between uncut and shaved men. The underside of the glans of uncut men also contains more frenulum.
Pull it back – You’ll have to get used to blowing a man’s foreskin because it tightens up while he’s erect, but it might vary in tightness. When the guy gets erect, some of the foreskin is extremely tight, leaving little opportunity for wiggling.
But not too much – This might seem confusing, but pulling the foreskin all the way back can be quite uncomfortable for some guys. So you don’t need to push it as far back as it can go, just enough to expose at least part of the head. A guy won’t feel much if you’re stimulating him through his foreskin, so you need to pull it back to have direct access to the head of his penis.
Switch it up – To get a better look at his penis, you can pull back his foreskin and use the procedures listed above, but this can be too much for a guy who is still uncut. Although women may not always notice, men who are more physically fit tend to request greater stimulation from their partners, which means they are less likely to request that their spouse be more gentle with their penis. Your glans will be more sensitive because of the foreskin on an uncut guy, so you may want to let the foreskin move back into place every now and then.
Use the foreskin – You can actually stroke his glans with your foreskin, something many uncut men enjoy. Alternatively, you can use this time to relax your mouth! Additionally, you can prolong the duration of your blow job by reducing his stimulation.
Swirl your tongue – Keep the foreskin down over his penis and insert your tongue between the head of his cock and foreskin when you’re ready to take his penis back into your mouth. Swirl it around a bit. You can bet that he’ll have a great time! Push his foreskin back off his glans while rotating your tongue.
Suck and squeeze, gently – If a man’s foreskin and glans are uncut, you can orally stimulate them. Using this method will set you apart from other ladies who may not know how to go down on an uncut cock without causing any damage. Suck on his foreskin with your lips and squeeze them together. Begin with a low level of effort and build it up SLOWLY.
Keep in mind that every man has his unique preferences for the amount of pressure and foreskin care he prefers, so make sure to ask him about his preferences. Learn more about sexual communication in our comprehensive guide.
Anal Action
Your man’s ass possesses hundreds of nerve endings, and it’s starving for stimulation. Because of this, anal play should be introduced throughout your blowjob. It has the potential to more than triple the amount of pleasure you get from him.
Anal play can be a fun addition to your oral sex.
Rubbing his perineum – This is a topic that I’ve already addressed in the context of a blowjob. It’s a simple process; you can teasingly brush your fingertips over it or firmly press it, depending on how much pressure he like. Prostate toys with external arms make it easier for him to get inside his taint.
Teasing his asshole – It might help if you rub your fingers over his asshole or even make small circles over it. A fantastic method to assess how he reacts and whether he appreciates it is to do this. Like you, he may love, dislike, or be indifferent to anal play during oral sex.
Keep going if he seems to be enjoying it. It’s possible to make it slicker by using a little lubricant or saliva.
Fingering him – You can take things to the next level by thrusting your finger into him, in and out.
Prostate Pleasure – During your blowjob, you’ll be using your finger to penetrate him around 2 inches deep and stimulate his prostate (aka the male G Spot). At 2 inches deep, insert one finger into his ass and curl it back towards his penis with your fingertips and palm against his perineum.
Feel for a nub of delicate flesh. You can stimulate his G Spot by gently stroking and caressing it, just like you do with your own.
In order to keep your lips focused on him, you can even play with a toy to stimulate his prostatic glands.
You can learn everything you need to know about the pleasures of your man’s prostate by reading the comprehensive Prostate Orgasm Guide.
Pulling out during orgasm – During his climax, you’ll notice that his ass pulses repeatedly while you keep your finger within. During climax, he may enjoy the sensation of your fingers “clinging” to his ass, but other men prefer something else….
As he orgasms, you carefully withdraw your finger out.
For the most accurate answer, you can ask him; however, the fun approach to find out what he prefers is to try both and see which one works best for you.
Lube and nails – To ensure that you don’t inadvertently injure him, apply lubricant when piercing him anally and trim/file your nails. Since the anus does not self-lubricate like the vagina, lubricant is also necessary for anal penetration.
Triple Trick
The Triple Trick technique is my most powerful blowjob technique.
A little coordination is required, but it’s not too difficult. Here’s how to go about it.
Part 1 – Put the penis of your man in your mouth and start twisting him (I cover this technique above).
Part 2 – While doing the Twister, take one hand and wrap it around his shaft, jerking him off.
Part 3 – Start massaging his prostate with a lubricated finger inserted into his ass.
As I indicated before, you’ll be doing all three blowjob styles simultaneously, requiring a high degree of synchronization.
And that’s all there is to it when it comes to giving your man three times the fun.
Enjoying Yourself & Putting On A Show
You know how satisfying it is to witness your partner engrossed in intense pleasure, on the verge of climax, and unable to control his behavior?
It’s scorching out there.
As it turns out, most men aren’t exactly what they appear to be.
Their feelings are exactly the same.
They get a kick out of watching you have a good time.
For the next time you’re tempted to go after your man, remember this. If you’re already having a good time while giving him a blowjob, congratulations! There are, of course, additional ways to have fun during a blowjob.
Try masturbating and eliciting an orgasmic response from him while you squirt his genitals.
This accomplishes a number of objectives:
- Shows off for your mate (most men get visually turned on).
- Giving your man a blow job is a terrific way to feed his ego while also showing him how much fun you’re having.
- You, too, can have sex!
Suck On This
Penis sucking is a potent, yet exhausting, technique. In no way, shape, or form are you doing this to “suck the life” out of him. Instead, you’ll put your lips around his penis and take the first few inches into your mouth.
After that, you’ll just suck on it. When you suck on it, you’ll feel the shaft and head of his cock pressed against your lips and the interior of your mouth. In order to fully enjoy his penis, you can take it in and out of your mouth while doing this.
If you want to spice things up a bit, try massaging his penis with your tongue as you sucke him. Only sucking and removing his penis from your mouth are required for this procedure.
I’m only going to touch on 69ing your partner briefly because I’ve written a whole handbook on the subject.
Using the 69 position for a blowjob is a terrific way to simultaneously climax with your partner and share the experience.
When it comes to 69ing your boyfriend, the most important thing you need to know is…
The best 69 position is for him to lay on his back with you on top of him. You can control how far you go with him this way.
When he’s on top, he’s in charge, which isn’t ideal if you’re prone to gags.
To learn more about the 69 blowjob position, check out the
Awesome Sauce
For the sake of both of you, it’s wise to have a few tricks up your sleeve in case things get a little monotonous in your relationship.
Some women believe that in order to supply their guy with a variety of feelings, they require an unlimited amount of blowjob techniques and varied things they may do with their mouth, tongue, or lips. You don’t, in fact. You may liven up your blow job routine in far easier ways.
Adding “Awesome Sauce” to your blowjobs is one option. Use something like maple syrup, chocolate syrup or ice cubes in your mouth while you’re blow-drying and it’ll make your blow-job even better. The following are some pointers for making the most of each.
Maple Syrup/Chocolate Syrup/Cream – You can’t go wrong with any of these scrumptious snacks because they both taste fantastic and give your husband a unique but pleasurable experience while you fellate him. If you’re using warm chocolate syrup, make sure it’s not too hot that it burns him!
Ice Cubes/Ice Cream – As far as Awesome Sauce goes, you can’t go wrong with cold feelings when it comes to oral sex, although they’re not the most popular.
Champagne – Champagne has a sensual quality to it, especially when used in a BJ. Try putting on some lingerie and a bottle of bubbly the next time you and your guy get some alone time. After that, take a sip of champagne and begin performing fellatio on your man while holding him in your mouth.
Bubbles provide your man a novel experience, but it’s more than that. To give your boyfriend a champagne blow-job and make him cum is sexually stimulating and thrilling in equal measure. What if you’re not a fan of champagne? If you want something effervescent, a soda will do.
Mints – Mint has a cooling effect on the body by virtue of its natural constituents. You don’t have to juggle the mint and his penis in your mouth at the same time if you suck one before going down.
When he ejaculates, the taste of his sperm and semen is drowned out by the sweetness of champagne or ice cream in your mouth. If you can’t stand his flavor, this is the dish for you.
Make sure you’re on your knees while he’s standing so that you don’t spill the bubbly out of your mouth as you give him the head.
Give Him A Hand
Using your hands while performing oral sex is a powerful blowjob technique. And no, it’s not a kind of cheating. Using your hands on your guy’s penis and balls during your blow job will give you both greater pleasure and more enjoyment. This guide will teach you everything you need to know, but here are three tactics that you may start utilizing right away.
Jerk & Suck – The best method to get the most out of your boyfriend is to irritate him while simultaneously giving him a handjob. Wrap one hand around his shaft and suck in the first few inches of his penis. You may also give him a handjob by running your hand up and down his shaft while utilizing a simple method like the Suck On This technique I previously outlined.
Time To Rest – The muscles in your jaw and lips will get exhausted soon if you aren’t used to blowing your man. It’s much more enjoyable for your man to have uninterrupted sexual satisfaction if you let your hands do the talking.
Grab hold of his penis and begin to jerk him off as soon as your mouth begins to fatigue. You can resume oral sex with him once your mouth has rested. The Hand Job Guide has a wealth of useful information about hand jobs.
Work His Balls – Working his testicles or balls is another wonderful hand job technique that can be incorporated into your blowjob. With your hands on his testicles during a blow job, you can do anything from fondle to caress to tickle to massage them. Try a variety of things to find out what your man likes best. An in-depth explanation on how to massage your testicles is available.
Play Ball(s)
What about working your man’s testicles as he sleeps? Blowjobs can be considerably more enjoyable if you use your lips as a means of stimulation. When it comes to his genitalia, the sky’s the limit. Because your man’s testicles are more sensitive to discomfort, you should avoid applying excessive pressure on them. Or even worse, you could accidently bite him!
Kiss His Balls – Start by kissing his balls lightly to check if he likes it when you play with them. Just give them a couple soft, wet kisses by puckering your lips together.
Lick His Balls – Once you can see how much he enjoys you kissing his balls, take it up a notch by gently licking and massaging them with your tongue. Keeping your tongue flat so that it covers as much of his testicles as possible is best.
Suck His Balls – Gently take his balls into your mouth and gently rub them with your tongue for a more intensive massage. Keep in mind that the crucial word here is SOFTLY. For your guy, it will also feel silkier as you use more saliva. In this case, an edible lubricant is a no-brainer!
It’s up to you if you want to kiss, lick, or even just suck them. Taking one of his balls into your mouth and licking and sucking on it is a powerful technique.
In Chapter 1 of the Blow Job Guide, I explained that various males have varying tastes. Consequently, while some men appreciate having their balls stimulated, a small number of men find it repulsive or even unpleasant. Be certain that this is only a matter of personal preference for your man. Your husband or lover will find it much simpler to delight his balls if he trims his hair down there, so it’s a win-win for both of you!
Podcast: Foundation For Intense Blow Jobs
If you’d like to learn how to give your man the ideal blowjob, I strongly recommend listening to this podcast I taped. Before I even begin my blowjob, I discuss the terrible faults ladies make.
Use Toys
Use sex toys during your blowjob! They can be used in a variety of ways.
- Your vibrator can be used to suck him off his penis, balls, or ass.
- Bring out the big guns and give him the finger rings.
- Become familiar with the ins and outs of a cock ring.
- Wear a but plug or a prostatic massager during your blowjob to help you relax your man’s muscles.
- Detailed information on butt plugs.
- Put on a show for your partner by using your vibrator on yourself as you’re performing your blow job.
- Make use of a vibrator and become proficient in its utilization.
- Do this by tying his hands together with your handcuffs or other bondage equipment.
- Get advice on how to safely tie him up.
These suggestions are just the beginning of what you can do with sex toys while having a blowjob. Please feel free to add your own thoughts in the comments section below.
Eye To Eye: All About Eye Contact
While giving your partner the head, it is possible to make eye contact with him, which is both intimate and submissive at the same time.
Two cautions are essential to getting it correctly…
Too Intense? – Someone who has just started dating you is going to be a little uneasy when you proceed to perform a ten-minute blow job while maintaining uninterrupted and unblinking eye contact. It’s going to be too much for me to handle.
You can avoid this by reducing the quantity of eye contact you make or only looking at him for a few seconds at a time.
Don’t Force It – Like avoiding overly intense eye contact, ensuring that you don’t try too hard is a good rule of thumb as well. Maintaining awkward eye contact with your man during a blow job will instantly destroy the sexual tension and kill the vibe.
In other words, if you notice that your boyfriend is always breaking eye contact with or getting uncomfortable whenever you try to make eye contact with him during orally sex (or even during regular sex, for that matter), then you should simply stop using this technique and try something else instead.
For Quick Comers/Cummers
It’s possible to make your man’s blowjob and pleasure last a little longer if he cums quickly.
1. Focus on the methods that don’t make him lose control and cum – Although it may seem obvious, a lot of women tend to overlook this. The tip of your man’s penis is the most sensitive, therefore if you want him to last longer, avoid stimulating the tip. Instead, concentrate on his shaft, balls, perineum, and ass, as well as the techniques that don’t drive him to the brink.
2. Light as a feather – If you don’t want him to cum rapidly, use a minimal amount of pressure while stimulating him. As a result, he shouldn’t feel anything when you put his penis in your mouth.
3. Take a break – When your man isn’t ready to join you, take a minute to caress his body with your hands, kiss him on the abdomen, or even kiss your man.
Two Steps Forward & One Step Backward
After a while of building up to a snail’s pace, you’ll experience the lovely anguish that comes with it as your lover slows down. then he begins to build you closer to orgasm again, doesn’t he? Even though you’d prefer everything to happen faster, the long, drawn-out process is still a lot of fun. In addition, all that anticipation heightens the intensity of your orgasm when it finally happens.
Why not take advantage of this?
Try taking a breather and doing something else totally while you’re giving your man a blowjob, like:
- Helping him out (check our in-depth Hand Job Guide here).
- His genitals were being pampered by him (more tips on that here).
- Anilingus – the act of doing (read our detailed Anilingus Guide here).
- Just a simple kiss on the lips (for more information, see our kissing guide).
- Indulging oneself sexually (learn over 100 different sex positions from our illustrated Sex Position Guide here).
- On the webpage, you’ll find a plethora of more fantastic sex techniques.
Give him a blowjob again after a few minutes. If you want to spice up your usual routine, try this new variation. However, it will heighten his orgasm when he finally reaches its pinnacle. It’s important to remember that for some men, if you keep him aroused for a lengthy period of time without climax, he will develop blue balls [15].
For oral sex in Chapter 4, you’ll learn how to make your boyfriend feel special by ending it with style and panache.
Getting him to ejaculate while he shakes with pleasure is covered in great detail in Chapter 4.
The Blow Job Guide’s first two chapters, Chapters 1 and 2, provide information on how to get your blow job off to a good start.
Frequently asked questions
Let’s get started with some of the most frequently asked questions.
What do you do if there’s foreskin?
Foreskin does not necessitate a major change in your gameplay. Using your hands, allow the foreskin to glide along with your hand.
Pull the foreskin down to reveal the head when you’re ready to continue.
How do you avoid gagging?
Although some may argue to differ, gagging does not create a nice blow job. Using the tip of your tongue to block your throat can help you avoid gagging.
Do you have to deep throat?
Only if you choose to. As long as you don’t get too personal, you can still surprise them with a mind-blowing beej. Instead, go for the roof of your mouth with this one. It’s unlikely that your partner will be able to tell the difference unless they are an oral surgeon.
How do you know if you’re doing OK?
There’s no way to mess this up other than to eat it. Nonverbal signals of enjoyment, such as increased breathing or thrusting, should be looked for.
Don’t be hesitant to inquire if radio quiet is making you feel better. To them, it will appear like you have a genuine desire to please them.
What do you do if your mouth gets tired?
Using your hands is the best way to do this. It’s just as fun to switch between your hands and mouth as it is to eat!
Does it matter if you spit or swallow?
It all boils down to personal preference. Discuss it with your mate before you begin.
If swallowing semen isn’t your thing, having them finish on your closed lips or chin can be just as sexy as ending in someone else’s mouth.